If the potential exists for employee exposure to blood or other body fluids in the course of normal duties, the company is required to implement a program to deal with this exposure. This program includes a written exposure control plan, employee training, personal protective equipment, laundry controls, engineering controls and waste disposal procedures. Included in the program are site first aid team members.
Employers are required to assess their facilities and work sites to determine if there are any confined spaces. Confined spaces must then be evaluated to determine if they are permit-required confined spaces. A formal plan must be developed for entry and rescue. No employee shall be required to enter any permit-required confined space unless a written confined space entry procedure is developed and implemented.
Program consists primarily of documented inspections of equipment. Employees are to be trained in proper inspection techniques in order to identify potential hazards. Depending upon equipment and use, inspections may be daily, monthly or from one to12 months. Assistance can be obtained from the equipment manufacturer or commercial crane inspection companies.
Training must be provided to employees whose work might expose them to a risk of electrical shock while working on or near to exposed live parts or other electrical equipment. The content of the training shall include all work practices addressed in the standard. Also, written lockout/tagout procedures must be provided for work on the electrical systems.
The Emergency Action Plan shall be written (oral if 10 or fewer employees) and include: 1) emergency escape procedures, 2) operation of critical operations, 3) accounting procedures for all employees, and 4) rescue duties.
For the use of respiratory protection, it is required that either initial air monitoring or a reasonable estimate of exposure be made to determine the need for such protection. If respiratory protection is required (because of an over-exposure or employer requirements), then a formal, written nine step respiratory protection program is required.
Shall be written (oral if 10 or fewer employees) and include; 1) a list of major workplace fire hazards, and 2) names of personnel responsible for maintenance of fire control and prevention equipment. For both plans, employees shall be appropriately trained.
Required for all construction related activities as defined in Subpart M of CFR 1926. A written plan is required and should include the following key elements; 1) Conduct Fall Hazard Assessment, 2) Establish Policy and Develop Procedures, 3) Determine Appropriate Hazard Control Measures, 4) Elimination/Engineering Controls, 5) Selection and use of Applicable Systems, 6) Orientation and Training, 7) Inspection and Maintenance, 8) Program Audit.
Trained, designated first-aid responders must be provided at each work location that is not in "near proximity" to medical assistance. Near proximity would be a response time of five minutes or less for local EMS.
Each employer is required to develop a written Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) program to include: 1) an inventory of all hazardous chemicals in the workplace, 2) labeling, tagging, or marking each container of hazardous chemical, 3) employee training on the hazards from these chemicals, 4) maintenance of Material Safety Data Sheets.
Occupational noise levels must be evaluated to determine if a hazard exists and if so, what controls must be implemented. If noise levels exceed OSHA standards, then a formal Hearing Conservation Program must be established, to include: 1) noise monitoring, 2) employee training, and 3) periodic hearing examinations.
A Hot Work Program is required when hot work, such as welding or cutting, use of spark-producing powered tools, chipping operations, etc., is performed in an area where combustibles, flammables, or gasses may be ignited. Prior to hot work, an authorized person must inspect the area to determine: 1) need and feasibility, 2) fire or explosive hazards, and 3) control measures. A written permit should be issued identifying: 1) the scope of work performed, 2) precautions to be take, and 3) any follow-up upon completion of the work.
Established if facility has laboratory facilities using hazardous chemicals (Example: Production plant having a quality control testing lab). Not required if laboratory only uses commercially prepared kits or dip-and-read testing. Plan requires a written chemical hygiene plan, employee monitoring, medical surveillance, hazard identification and recordkeeping.
Required for the servicing, cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected startup or energization (turning the power back on) or release of stored energy (power press at top of cycle) could cause injury to employees. Under this program, all possible sources of energy must be identified and secured (locked out/off) and / or tagged to warn other employees why the equipment is turned off.
This subpart of the OSHA Standard requires guarding of all dangerous moving parts in three basic areas: 1. The point of operation: that point where work is performed on the material, such as cutting, shaping, boring, or forming of stock; 2. Power transmission apparatus: all components of the mechanical system that transmit energy to the part of the machine performing the work. These components include flywheels, pulleys, belts, connecting rods, couplings, cams, spindles, chains, cranks, and gears; 3. Other moving parts: all parts of the machine which moves while the machine is working. These can include reciprocating, rotating, and transverse moving parts, as well as feed mechanisms and auxiliary parts of the machine.
Each employer is required to perform and document a hazard assessment of the workplace to determine if hazards exist that make the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary. If so, appropriate PPE must be selected. Training is required and includes: 1) when the PPE is necessary, 2) what PPE is required, 3) how to use the PPE, 4) the limitations of PPE, and 5) proper care and maintenance of the PPE.
Required for all operations where there is a reasonable expectation of emergency response operations for the release of, or substantial threat of release of, hazardous substances (e.g. storage tanks of chlorine, paints, solvents, pesticides, herbicides, etc.). A written plan is required identifying: 1) the hazards involved, 2) evaluation of the hazards, 3) control of the hazards, 4) emergency response actions, 5) clean-up, and 6) decontamination procedures. Additional programs/ policies training
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